The 7th Annual Sept. 11 Memorial Ceremony in Venice will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11 in Patriots Park.
The public is welcome to attend; please bring chairs.
There will be a presentation of the colors, patriotic music by the Lion Rampant Pipe and Drum of Bradenton, guest speakers, recognition of Gold Star Families, bell ringing for 9/11 victims and fallen heroes, and the playing of taps and "Amazing Grace."
This ceremony is presented by Salt of the Earth USA and Gene Sweeney.
Patriots Park includes a 2-ton steel beam from the World Trade Center wreckage on 9/11 and a piece of rubble from the attack on the Pentagon. The park was created by the Leadership Sarasota County Class of 2002 to remember those who perished on Sept. 11, 2001, as well as the heroes who saved lives that day, and those who have made sacrifices in the name of freedom in all wars.